Sunday 4 July 2010

Hi all, We are gearing up for church groups and private tour parties for late summer- and early winter 2010. I am in the process of adding the Itineraries for around 15 Biblical tours mainly of the 7 churches of Revelation 2-3 .

These sort of tours are becoming more popular as christians Muslims and Jews are looking for faith building holidays. With more technology available youngsters in these groups are looking for more proof for the long held beliefs of parents and grandparents, although for people of faith visual proof is not really needed. These tours give not only insight into the lives of mainly early christian congregations set up by the apostle paul but also show how advanced the asia minor known by the Ancient Greeks and Romans not only BC but  in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD really were.

The amazing architecture of cities like Ephesus including the Temple of Artemis which was one of the Seven wonders of the ancient world has fascinated millions of pilgrims and grand tourers in the 1700s alike.

Alexander the great conquered Asia minor in 334bc and at this time he consulted the famous oracle at Didyma (modern day resort of Altinkum ) Its called The Temple of Apollo and is magnificent day or night. The temple was joined to the city of Miletos by a 26km marble road used onlty by the priests and is still visible today .

We look forward to increasing the frequency of these tours and have over 15 years experience with many satisfied customers.
The sites, sights and sounds of Turkey with a heady mix of history ,delicious food and beautiful beaches have enthralled visitors to this amazing and vibrant country for centuries,if you have not sampled its delights then now is the time.